Put an end to Food Wastage
End to Food Wastage ! Food is essential for life and our society does place a lot of emphasis on food. Over centuries, humans have been constantly finding new innovative ways to prepare and serve food and while this is all well and good, we are often ignorant of the fact that access to nutritious food is a privilege and is not universal.
What is Food Wastage?
Food wastage in simple terms is the loss or spoilage of otherwise usable foodstuffs at the various stages in the supply chain from production, transport, storage, processing and consumption. For example, after the harvest and processing of wheat. The wheat which needs to be stored in silos ends up spoiling due to defects in the storage silos resulting in the whole crop spoiling. Improper refrigeration of perishable goods during transport, preparation of more food than required both in restaurants and at home all contribute to the nation’s food waste.
Click to learn more: https://thecamford.org/put-an-end-to-food-wastage/