How to speak the right word ? Choose it before you speak !


1 min read

Speaking the right words isn’t as difficult as we think it is. With a little bit of careful thought, we can ensure that we are using the correct ones.

Work on your vocabulary

Many a times we are not able to speak well, because we are quite literally left short of words. It pays to improve your vocabulary. It will help both in your personal and professional life. Begin by reading a lot. There are novels, subject books, comics, newspapers, the choice is endless. Watch good debates or current affair programs on TV. Mark down difficult words, find their meaning, practice pronouncing them and use them during your conversations. Once you put in the efforts, the results are sure to show up.

Relax please

One of the best ways to ensure that you speak the right words is by being relaxed. Many times with a zillion things going on inside our mind, we end up blurting something that we may regret later. Try to slow down the pace at which you speak consciously. Take a pause. Take a deep breath. Relax. Think before you speak. Tell yourself that “I will never use dismissive or offensive language, come what may. “ This only comes through practice.

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