Exams can be a challenging part of a student’s life even if they are studying in one among the best CBSE Schools in Coimbatore.
There is a famous quote which says “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”- Albert Einstein.
They work tremendously hard to get good results but in doing so, they often find themselves inundated with worries and unwanted stress. Though a little stress is good, as it can serve as a motivational push to work harder for achieving our goals – yes be a hardworker, but at the same time, exam stress can give rise to pressure which may affect the performance and overall growth.
First things first, we need to understand that stress is caused by unrealistic and very high expectations. It is caused when we try to control life and its outcomes or in other words when we try to control the results. It is not surprising that lack of control is one of the biggest causes of stress which we knowingly, unknowingly do. Now let’s shift our focus to what we can control and what we should not. While we can control our preparation, our attitude, time management, our priorities, effort and expectations, what we cannot control is our rank, our marks. These are our targets. We can give our best but we cannot control it. So, the remedy to majority of our tension is to focus on our goals through which the best CBSE schools teach their students to achieve a higher level.
Click to learn more: https://thecamford.org/the-best-cbse-schools-exam-stress-how-to-cope/