WOOP Strategy for a successful child

How to be a successful child ? Come to think of it, who doesn’t want to be successful? We have all heard of the importance of goal-setting for achieving anything substantial in life. We have also heard of how positive thinking is a must for achieving goals. But many a times, we tend to get demotivated in our attempts, when confronted with certain challenges. Why not try the WOOP strategy for success? There are many ways in which students can benefit by using the WOOP method.

‘Wish’, ‘Outcome’, ‘Obstacles’ and ‘Plan’

A brainchild of famed psychologist Dr. Gabriele Oettigen of New York University, this four-step strategy has been making news for quite some time now. The acronym WOOP stands for ‘Wish’, ‘Outcome’, ‘Obstacles’ and ‘Plan’.

How to be a successful child ? The first step that you need to take is to obviously make a wish. What is that you want to achieve? The key here is to ensure that the goals are realistic. The second step is to visualize the outcome. The third step is what makes this strategy a bit different from the others. Here you will have to list down the potential obstacles. The final step involves making a plan. An ‘If’ and ‘then’ plan to be specific. If ‘this’ or ‘that’ were to happen, then what would be my plan. This kind of an approach helps you to plan for any hurdles in your journey towards achieving your goal.

Click to learn more: https://thecamford.org/woop-strategy-for-a-successful-child/