Who is a Good Leader ?


1 min read

A Leader in School is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way to the fellow mates.

We all aspire to become a leader someday. Being a good leader is an art, an attitude, an intuition which needs to be cultivated over time. Though there are multiple definitions of leadership and multiple personalities around us, leadership demands a certain set of traits which makes a person stand out in the crowd.

When we talk about leadership qualities, it is often the bad characteristics of a leader which draws our attention. In other words, it is easier to identify the traits which hinder a person to become a good leader. The question here is not about the qualities a person aspiring to become a leader should not possess but rather how to do identify the virtues of a good leader? What would most people do which would make them a good leader?

Click to learn more: https://thecamford.org/leader-in-school-who-is-a-good-leader/